Learn Love Live...Unapologetically

Gratitude and Growth: Reflecting on Post-Divorce Life and the Power of Spiritual Connection

Taryn Christopher Season 3

Navigating through life's storms has tested my resolve, reshaping me into the person I am today. As I lay bare my soul in this episode, recounting the emotional odyssey post-divorce, I'm reminded of the tremendous support you've shown me. Two years since turning a page, I stand before you in gratitude, celebrating the strength that comes from authenticity and the pursuit of spiritual and emotional growth. I'm excited to announce that in our upcoming season, we're broadening our horizons with interviews that promise to enrich our heartfelt conversations with fresh insights and expert advice.

As we reach the end of this journey together, I feel a profound sense of thankfulness. Closing with a prayer that resonates with our collective experiences, I cherish the opportunity to reflect on the impact of faith, authenticity, and the joy of spreading love and light. It's my deepest hope that the blessing I share with you serves as a beacon of guidance, protection, and inspiration, fostering a community where we can all rise and elevate one another through our spiritual connection.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, hello. Thank you so much for joining me. It's your girl, Taryn Marie, and I just want to thank every single person who's listening to the sound of my voice for tuning in once again to the Learn Love, live Unapologetically podcast. It is your girl, taryn Marie. I am the host and creator, and I just want to give a huge, huge, huge shout out to all of my followers, all of the people who have been rocking with me for the past three years while I have been putting out content inconsistently, might I add, because life be life and y'all and so there was like a huge break this time, but I am still committed to the cause. I am still committed to the process. This has been one of the most trying things that I've ever tried to put together or to do, and to try to keep it going has been very difficult, while also trying to manage the transitions of life and just my situation, and so I just want to say thank you so much, thank you to all of the new followers that I have and, again, thank you to everybody who has been holding it down. I'm surprised weekly, even though it's been probably a year since I have recorded anything, people just still downloading and listening and tuning in, and so you are appreciated and you guys have definitely motivated me to continue going and to realize that my voice is being heard and that I'm making an impact, and so thank you so much, even if you are not even really one that just tunes in all the time, just sharing and liking my posts and helping me to promote, to get my podcast and my content out throughout the years. I appreciate you. Of course, I want to say to God be all the glory for the things that he has done, because if it were not for him, I would not still be here to be able to share with you guys and to pour into you, and you know, as always as I'm pouring into y'all, I am pouring into myself as well, and so we are motivating each other and keeping each other accountable and strong as we continue on on this journey called life.

Speaker 1:

Now, since I have said all of that, let me get to the meat and the potatoes of why I have decided to come back. So I took a pause. I won't say a brief pause because it's been like a year, like I said, but I took a pause. I won't say a brief pause because it's been like a year, like I said, but I took a pause because life was just life and y'all and I had a whole lot of things going on, had to relocate a couple of times, just had to go and just do a reset, a full reset on my life and thank God for parents who are loving and caring and encouraging. Of course, if you know me and you've been following for a while, you know that my biological father is deceased, but I have a very loving and supportive mother and I now have a very loving and supportive stepfather and my sister and just the people around me. My whole village has just been so loving and supportive and encouraging throughout this time.

Speaker 1:

A lot of the times, if you follow me on social media, I look like I got it all together. I do not, and so that is where we come here to be completely transparent and just be real with ourselves. And we're here to grow and to try to become better people, better individuals, continuing to increase our walk with God and just being completely transparent and unapologetic with ourselves and with others. This is where we set boundaries, this is where we keep ourselves accountable for those boundaries. This is where we are able to just come and just lay it all out. Y'all know I'm real transparent. I try to be completely authentic with my content and whenever I feel like God is leading me to talk about or discuss a subject, then I do. I do plan on getting more interviews this season because I know that sometimes I get tired of hearing my own mouth. Y'all probably get tired of hearing my mouth, and I know that I don't have it all. So, of course, again, if I'm trying to grow in the process and also helping y'all trying to grow as well, we need to be getting more people in that have other experiences, different points of views, different expertise, and so that is my goal to be able to get certain topics discussed, but not just coming from myself, but also, like I said, coming from people that also have additional experience as well.

Speaker 1:

So y'all bear with me, continue to pray with me. I will continue to pray with me. I will continue to pray with you. Yeah, I'm just. I'm super excited about coming back. This episode will be super short. I just wanted to come in and tap in, just, you know. Let y'all know that I am still alive and well, god is still amazing. Life been lifin', but God has absolutely been guiding in my life and so, even though you know the devil and other people would have meant certain things for my harm, god absolutely was able to turn those things around for my good, and so for that I will forever give him the praise, honor and the glory.

Speaker 1:

Okay, y'all know divorce is hard. Um, y'all know divorce is hard. Divorce is hard, divorce is hard. It has been two months, two years officially, two years. Um, this month, which is May the 20th, it'll be two years officially that I've been divorced. I was married for nine years for those that are new and um recently went through a divorce. This is the year number two and it has not been as hard emotionally for me as it has been dealing with the aftermath of the divorce.

Speaker 1:

So if you've ever been divorced, you know that there's always like some residue that still remains that you kind of have to clean up as the years go by. You know when you decide to leave or you decide to go your separate ways in that moment, especially if you don't use attorneys, which we did not if you don't use attorneys and you're doing it on your own and you're trying to figure it out the most amicable way and the most efficient way and I don't feel like I necessarily thought everything through. I definitely did not dot all my I's and cross all my T's and so there's some residual things, some residue that was left, that I was left to clean up, and I'm still kind of cleaning some things up, mainly on the financial side. So when you were married to somebody for so long, you have a lot of stuff together. You have a lot of financial things that may have been combined or related to each other, maybe some bills that you really didn't think about or consider of how you were going to get those to go away or to change over whatever may have you. So that has been a struggle. It's been a huge struggle and because we didn't use attorneys, because we didn't necessarily go all the way through the court system, we kind of went the short route keeping it out of court and having to pay like court fees and stuff like that, additional court fees. It just ended up being like a mess. So I'll just say, if you know me personally which some people do and they have reached out and you have questions about getting a divorce, if you have questions about the finances, you have questions about the process, if you're trying to do like a short-term divorce or not a short-term, but a quick divorce where you don't necessarily have to involve lawyers. I'm that girl that can give you the do's and the don'ts and if you are considering getting an attorney, I would definitely advise you to do so if you can afford one. I live in the South, the particular state that I am from when I was married was Arkansas Arkansas, and there they do have programs and there are attorneys that will handle those civil services at, maybe like a pro bono fee or whatever. So those options are there, but y'all just do your research.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people think, when they hear me talking about divorce and how hard it is, they really think that I'm talking about the emotional side or, you know, missing that person or you know, really just being sad and depressed over the breakup. And honestly, for me, because I had already made up in my mind years before that the relationship had already ended and we just were like cohabitating for a while, it wasn't as hard. The emotional side wasn't as hard, I think. You know, you do kind of grieve a little bit. Depending on who you are and what the relationship was and how things ended, you may grieve a little differently. So initially, of course, you're grieving that person because you've been with that person for so long I had been with him for just about all of my adulthood and so that was hard, of course, because now the future that I had in mind no longer exists Like it's completely gone, it'll never be.

Speaker 1:

But I had to create and develop new dreams and new hopes and new desires and a new future. And I had to allow God to present that to me. And you know, the Bible says if we delight ourselves in him, then he will give us the desires of our hearts. Well, the delighting in him is where you're able to talk to him and try to figure out okay, god, what is it that you want from me? And then his desires become your desires. So I've now gotten to that place where I am starting to have the desires that I know that God has for me, and so I'm allowing that to flourish and to bloom and just to manifest into my life. And so the emotional side for me wasn't this hard into my life. And so the emotional side for me wasn't this hard. I'm not going to say I wasn't emotionally affected, let me say that but I will say that it wasn't as hard because I really was completely satisfied with my decision. I had prayed and prayed and prayed some more and I heard God clearly tell me to leave. And when you have heard a word from God, there is absolutely no turning back, like there's no second guessing.

Speaker 1:

I feel like the only time that may have filtrated my mind was when other people threw it out there, you know the what ifs, and I had to stop them in their tracks, and even sometimes now I still have to stop people in their tracks and let them know hey, that ship has sailed. You know, thank God, my ex-husband has found new love and he is happy where he is and I'm happy for them and I pray that they live an amazing life. But I do feel like, you know, other people felt like that it would some kind of way come back around and that's just not our story, um, and so I think people have to be careful with trying to convince others, once they've made their mind up, that a chapter has ended, um, that they need to go ahead and let people close that chapter, um, and then, if it needs to reopen, let the people that are in that chapter reopen it themselves, but there shouldn't be a lot of outside influence on if you should rekindle something or not. I think you know nobody really knows the full story outside of the people that lived in household, and so of course, you're coming in blindly trying to encourage somebody to go back into a situation and you don't know if it would be detrimental for them or not. So I say all that to say you know, just let people make their decisions and you can support them without trying to encourage them only to go back. There's multiple ways to support them and we can definitely discuss that at another time.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so a lot of people felt like my issues the last two years were solely emotional because of the relationship that I lost, and it wasn't. It was mainly learning how to function just as a single person again. Learning now that you are on one income. That's been a huge thing for me. Learning how to rebudget, learning how to just manage my money better, learning how to ask for help, because I didn't. I never had to do that before I did it. When it came to finances, I was always the person lending, I was always the person helping, and now I'm the person that needs the help, and so that was a huge thing for me, but I thank God that I have a beautiful village who has always been able to just step in and support, even when I couldn't say the words I need help. They just knew it and they would just help, and so I'm thankful for that and I'm grateful to God for that. And so, yeah, I need help. They just knew it and they would just, they would just help, and so I'm thankful for that and I'm grateful to God for that. And so, um, yeah, I'm back and I'm so excited to be back.

Speaker 1:

Um, the devil did not want me to do this. So many different roadblocks, I'm telling y'all so many different roadblocks came my way in trying to record and trying to just get this back out. It's not clean, it is not edited, it is not. There's no frou-frou-ness. Like I'm not. I'm just going to put it out there authentically, the way that I'm doing it now, and so you're going to hear some just not cleanness. You know it's authentically me and I'm trying to do it the way that I speak about being unapologetic and just doing things and going after what you want.

Speaker 1:

I feel like if I don't put it out, it'll never come back out, and so I apologize, if you know, you guys are used to me having it a little more professional, but I promise you I'm coming back and I'm coming back stronger. And so, if y'all just bear with me, continue to ride for me. I promise you I will ride for y'all and I will continue to try to get you the best content that we can and we can continue to grow together and I'm just I'm excited. So I am going to start creating some social media pages that are separate from my personal page, just because I want. I'm very intentional about making sure that this group that we have created about being able to learn, love and live ourselves unapologetically that we have that support system and that there is a place for you to come and be authentically yourself. So I will definitely be posting those pages and that way you can come and just see when new content is coming out and you can be able to stay and um be uh, uh. You'll be able to keep up with what is going on, um, with the podcast and possibly a little bit more about me, um. So I thank you guys so much for your support. Again, I love you, love you, love you, um, and I will see you guys later. Please do not forget to learn love and live unapologetically.

Speaker 1:

Before we leave, I do want to leave you guys with a word of prayer, because we are definitely trying to continue to grow in his word and we cannot ever leave out of his presence without speaking to him first and just being thankful. And so, god, we come to you right now. Just thank you for all your many blessings, oh God, we thank you for being able to have a platform where we can be our true selves, where we can grow and we can learn together, learning how to serve you more, learning how to be loving and walking your life, father God, and allowing others to be able to see you inside of us, father God, but also knowing that we can be authentically ourselves and not have to pretend or be a makeup of what we think Christianity looks like. And so, god, we thank you right now, father God, for continuing to be with us, covering us, keeping our minds, keeping us healthy, lord, god, keeping our families going, lord. And so, each and every day, we ask that you would continue to just lay your hands on us, father God.

Speaker 1:

Continue to grow us, continue to fill us, father God, with your love and your power, helping us to be able to use that same power to heal and deliver others, speaking life into them everywhere we go. Help us to be a shining light, father God, that brights up the rooms, lord God, and so, god, we thank you again for this opportunity. I ask that you would touch every listener, father God. Touch every person, father God, that is listening to the sound of my voice. And so, god, I thank you and I love you. We give you all the glory and all the praise. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen. I love you guys. Peace, peace.